Easy Thanksgiving crafts

If you want to make easy Thanksgiving crafts, the choices you have are really endless when you take the time to think about what you have in mind and then experiment around with different things you have around the house to create your easy Thanksgiving crafts. If you are not especially creative in this area, just go on the Internet and search for “easy Thanksgiving crafts”. You will find all sorts of ideas to try. We’ll give you a couple here to try.

For school-age children, it is fun to make easy Thanksgiving crafts that explore the reason for the season – giving thanks! First, you need various colors of construction paper. Cut out various leaf shapes from the paper. You can find templates for these leaves at www.enchantedlearning.com. Have your child write things on the leaves that they are thankful for. Then cut out the inner upper half of a paper plate to form a half circle. Just below the bottom of the half circle, write the words “I Am Thankful For” and then have your child glue the leaves all around the cut-out. Then you can hang the thankful wreath wherever you want to!

Other easy Thanksgiving crafts include this one. What you will need is brown, orange, red, and yellow construction paper, scissors, a marker, a pencil, and some glue. Trace your child’s footprint on the brown construction paper. Do not trace their individual toes. Then, from the other colors, trace around their hand with it laid out and fingers slightly splayed. Make at least 6 of these, if not more.

If your child is able to, have them cut out their hand and foot prints. Cut two strips of the brown construction paper and fold accordion style for the legs. Use the yellow to make some feet for your turkey. Cut out a small triangle for the turkey’s wattle. Now it’s time to put your turkey together!

The heel of the foot print will be your turkey’s head. Arrange the hand prints behind the turkey and glue into place. Draw a face onto your turkey and glue the red wattle just below the eyes. Glue on the feet to the legs and then the legs to the body. After the glue is dry, you have another of the many easy Thanksgiving crafts we have found that can help you commemorate your child’s growing – especially if you do this craft from year to year! Don’t forget to write the date and your child’s age on the back!

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